Timelessness in layers

"Accessory is the final touch and it's really important to coordinate them in a way that enhance our looks. " - Izoudine. L

"L'accessoire est la touche finale et il est vraiment important de les coordonner de manière à améliorer notre apparence." - Izoudine. L


Nixir/ Silver necklace/ Mens jewelry
September 25, 2019 — Izoudine Lala

How to wear your silver necklace

Our silver necklaces are designed to enhance your daily outfit in a timeless way.
We believe in always keeping things simple yet significant. Here are a few
tips that we think you will love. 
Men's silver necklace/How to wear your Nixir
September 18, 2019 — Izoudine Lala

The power to choose.

A mixture of style and boldness that express the power to choose who you want to be. You already have everything you need inside of you. The choice is yours.

Mens ring/Nixir/ Silver jewelry


September 11, 2019 — HulkApps.com Collaborator